Wednesday, August 04, 2004

We Be Throwed

on the title of my blog...
There's this weird place on Eastman (south of Birdsong, but north of I20) that has "We Be Throwed" as the title of said establishment. What the heck does that mean? "WE BE THROWED..." I mean, I've never used that in conversation and I doubt Paris Hilton has either. Speaking of which... she really should come visit Longview. That's be hilarious. She could preview LETU with all our boys that "be throwed". Hee hee. I snuck that 'lil diddy in there.

So next time you ask me how my family is and I say, "We be throwed!" -- you'll know.

humm.... it's been so long since I wrote that I have a ton to write and can't write. Make any sense? Didn't think so. I'll start...

I matched today! EVERYTHING matched... think really hard about that and it'll eventually come to you. There aren't too many hysterical/dramatic/exciting things going on. I'm just living a typical life: working, trying to pay the bills and keep everybody happy.

Oh wait! There is one exciting thing! I watched The Sixth Sense on Saturday night. Woah. I've always like M. Night's stuff because I think he's brilliant and that we're probably related, but this movie was the coolest. I abhor scary movies and was pleased as punch that this movie wasn't scary so much as thought provoking. It makes you think and try and figure out the symbolism, etc. etc. I love symbolism and so I was sold.

Now, I'm definitely feeling the need to see The Village. I think I can handle it.

I'm letting this evening be my "breather". Folks- let me just be completely real with you... I don't think I've ever been this stressed before in my entire life and I think I'm handling it quite well if I do say so myself. This may sound like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth, but I am so blessed to even breathe. I know that God has a plan. He redeems me every morning. I don't know when life will be easy, actually. 'Cause your either entering a crisis, in the middle of a crisis or ending a crisis. *LOL*

I guess I'm just a dramatic girl, huh? Actually- the things that stress me out aren't silly at all... or at least I don't think so. The one weird thing about blogging is that's its so vague. I mean, people write about being stressed and sad or in love or whatever it is that's taking precedent but you don't ever really know what's going on. So I'll just tell you what's up with me.

My Mom has cancer and that's really stressful. I'd like to think it's "just another bump in the road" but it isn't. It's tough. Millions of people have it so much worse than she does and even more people are in the exact same situation she is, but it's still hard. She's really sick. Someone has to do everything for her and I can't be with her all the time and I hate that. It's pretty much all I can think about.

You know what else? When you get out of college it's not lots of money, a cool new car and a swank corner office with a hot assistant/secretary (boy secretaries are called assistants). It's BILLS and 'stickin it to tha man (i.e. aww... I typed that quote and now I can't remember the name of the movie... well, I'll leave the quote up and if you guys can remember the movie stick a note in my chatterbox).

I don't want to depress anyone... oh- no, no, no. It is a lot of fun. But it just isn't what I expected. Life throws you major curves. The awesome thing is that I am more responsible and know more about who I am than ever before.

Guess what I discovered? I LIKE BASEBALL. and Texas A&M over UT. I LIKE SPORTS, A LOT. And that's ok!! I'm an East Texas girl who would marry Dale Jr. in a heart beat even though he doesn't meet any of The Check List's requirements. Ah... The Check List. It's a real artifact, actually. Many a man has been destroyed by it.

...The Check List. It has even been revamped to include Divorced. Never thought we'd have to add that one, huh? Ok... wow I really went chasing rabbits there didn't I? Whew. Ladies & gentlemen I bid you farewell with this final remark (confidential to Laura) GIT'ER DUN!!

WYWYBM #7-- 'Cause she'll watch Blue Collar Comedy Tour with you... and LAUGH!

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