Sunday, August 15, 2004

persnickety Pineapple...


I am soooo frustrated with myself. I started cooking supper this evening and decided to put on a cake. Simple, right? Not so much. There was more cake batter than anticipated and because I’m a DORK I just put it all in the skillet (cause I was making a pineapple upside down cake) and now I have a mess on my hands.

The cake began rising and its contents spilling onto the bottom of the oven and (here comes the good part…) BURNING. So, now I have a smoky house on my hands. Not good. I was able to get a mini-nap this afternoon but woke up pretty grumpy. The cake issue isn’t helping. I guess I can’t learn if I don’t make mistakes. But, I HATE making mistakes. And the grumpiness is still here. I seem to get in these moods most every Sunday evening. It’s like I realize the previous week is over and I accomplished very little which means I have even more to accomplish in the upcoming week. Whoever you are—bless you for reading this cause my whining is only going to get worse.

I just realized that I don’t have a free weekend for the next month. Fun, huh? Please, please, please realize that I realize I’m a whining, ungrateful soul right now. I realize that. I have no reason to whine. None at all. I am blessed to be enjoying my most favorite time of life, ever. I can’t imagine it getting any better than it is right now. A friend and I were bemoaning friendships gone awry and how disappointed we were when things happened that we would never have bargained for. The more I think about it though – the more I am happy for that. I’m happy that the cream of the crop are sticking it out. There’s a lot of transition right now and I want to encourage her! Those that play AND CRY together – stay together. [Whenever that’s put on a Hallmark card – make sure I get the credit J]

It’s seems like everyone is fighting the end of summer, so to make it easier here’s my BEST OF SUMMER 2004 list:

*riding in a new truck!!
*oh… the beauty of Grand Bahama Island
*knowing a real, live POTCAKE
*watching some drive off in the golf cart with it STILL plugged into the charger
*dumping cold water on that same person while said person was showering
*harassing POTCAKE at work
*harassing the man in the new truck about his caloric knowledge of Krispy Kreme & Starbucks
*a BLISSful wedding!
*playing a game that prohibited mentioning anyone male… and if you did you had to remove an article of clothing… a strip poker of sorts…
*sweet tea
*motorcycle rides after an evening jog
*late night talks on the golf cart
*customized ring tones

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