Sunday, August 22, 2004

Back To You...

It seems like my last few posts are MIA. I was in The Woodlands-- using dial-up... enough said. So... I guess I'll start from then. Whoa... that was a week ago! Yikes!

First things first. I made peace with The Woodlands. Our differences go way back. We've decided that since we are both grown-ups, we can be civil for everyone else's sake. Plus, there are a lot of good concerts at the Pavilion and it's just not fair for me to miss out on that.

Can I just say that Casting Crowns rock? I wanna be them when I grow up!! Well, maybe not "them" (you think I have multiple personality issues now...) but maybe just the chick with the fiddle/violin. I could so be her! Actually-- I'm already in a band!! You didn't know? Yeah... I don't want everyone knowing. I'm the drummer, actually. When the back-up vocalist is sick or not wanting to strain her vocal chords I do a little back-up vocals too. The back-up vocalist plays acoustic, too. The lead singer is on keyboard. We pretty much rock the house.

We're actually making an appearance on Monday night. I can't disclose the location because our agent is really picky about that kind of stuff. Just imagine though... two admissions counselors and a dental hygenist. It doesn't get much better than that...

Just for the record-- we all three have our own bodyguards. That's three bodyguards. So be afraid-- be very afraid.

As I sit typing I'm also whining to my fellow band members. They failed to mention how sore water skiing and jet skiing will make you! That's rude of them.

For anyone caring about baseball movies.... (I'm figuring Mike is the only one) I watched The Natural and Bad News Bears last night. The rotten thing is that it put me in bed at 2 AM!! I was a grouchy girl this morning...

It was worth it though. The guys came over and we made pizza and watched the Olympics. About those Olympics... I have only two gripes. Don't think I'm un-patriotic or anything but those guys look gay in those crowns they make them wear. Not to mention that NASCAR isn't on either. I caught a golf tournament this afternoon so that made it all better. My Sunday just isn't complete without some NASCAR or a good golf tourney on the telly. I should get to bed... this week holds promise! I've got a 5K on Saturday and the Pat Green concert too!

Much love to my Potcake who's summer ended this weekend. You're a cavity fightin' princess-diva!! When you walk in May-- I'll be there in my best dress! *This summer was the most fun!*

WYWYWBM #10: She's in a rock band!

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