Sunday, July 25, 2004

calling the wammmmbulance

I don't know why I dread posting. It's not like it hurts or anything. Maybe I'm just weird. Oh, wait... I am!!!

Maybe it's the fact that I am super sick of writing about ME! I mean-- contrary to popular belief-- it's not all about ME. I guess that's the point of a blog though-- to write about one's self and events.

This weekend was fun. Long... but fun! Plus-- I'm on vacation this week! Actually-- I'm telecommunting. Isn't that weird? I'm actually old enough to telecommute. Who knew?? I headed to Dallas to pick up my sister's new car and couldn't not stop at Sam Moon. 4000 square feet of heaven. The last time I was there I made the mistake of taking Bryan. HILARIOUS. First off, he's super smart. Totally cool-- but still super smart. The boy graduated cum laude from A&M. I feel dumb even breathing in his presence. Anyway, he's with me and the conversation goes something like this:

him: "honey-- why aren't there any parking spaces?"
me: "it's always this busy on Saturday... it's ok"
him: "is there a special sale or something??"
me: "EVERYDAY is sale day at Sam Moon"
him: "ok... well, I'll just go look at the guy stuff"
me: "ok, keep your cell on... meet me here (and I point to a bench outside the store) in an hour?"
him: "yeah... an hour sounds fine. Any reason why I'm the only guy around here...."
(he begins to realize what is happening here... his mom calls and starts to make fun of him as, does his sister, Stacey)

*five minutes later*

him: "BETH... this is madness. I don't understand you.... and all these purses... and all these other women.... what is this... a Mary Kay convention on crack?..."

Ok- so that was a really long way of me telling you this one lesson learned: boyfriends don't do well at Sam Moon.

::back to the rest of the story::
So I head to Sam Moon sans the boyfriend and have a lovely time. Sunday ::key the music:: DUM DUM DUMMM... I wake up with super splitting headache. Yikes. I head to church because, well... it's Sunday and I 'm long overdue on some serious worship. It keeps getting worse though. I'm leaving church and my friend Danny feels the need to let me know-- right then--right there--- that David won't be at the lake tomorrow, he mumbles somthing about Houston and politics and making sure I'm not where he (meaning David) is and all that jazz. Well, at this point in the game I'm not thinking I'll live to wakeboard--- David Hughes present or not.

Driving home, my head starts getting all fuzzy and my vision is funny. I make it in the back door and pretty much collapse onto the living room floor. (Gracias Vanessa for vaccuming yesterday.) I'll leave the gory details out for the faint of heart... but Bryan (Dre's Bryan--not my Bryan) now knows me on a totally different level. Dr. Pepper helped though! :-)

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameSleep Apnea Woman
Super PowerIrresistable Sexuality
EnemyMichael Jackson
Mode Of TransportationMotorcycle
WeaponBeer Bottle
Quiz created with MemeGen!

WYWYWBM #6: She won't make you go to Sam Moon. Ever.

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