Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Invisible Man

well, I apologize for my long absence. I've been in the field working on a reconnaissance project I'll tell you about later.

To update you: humm.... busy, busy, busy! We (me, Vanessa, Laura & Dre) hosted a BAZILLION people over at house on Sunday night. Actually- official numbers are more like 25'ish. Somehow we had this "International Dinner Night" theme going. We cooked Thai soup... and various other items that were palatable to one's cultured taste buds.

The early bird boys washed our cars!! How sweet of them! Then- the football game to end all football games took place. The artificial turf and goal posts we ordered for the front yard haven't arrived so we went over to Maid Rite Stadium. Now... I must tell you - there are several versions of this story floating around (read Stevo & Shane ID) but you must know that THE TRUTH IS ON THIS BLOG!

Here's what really happened. I'll start at the beginning. We sided up teams based on nothing at all: sooo... Dre & I were on a team with Stacy, Clinton and Brad/Joey (they subbed for each other). Shane ID, Vanessa, Laura, Stevo and TC were on the other team. Things were progressing along nicely. Our plan was to wear 'em down, hold out to the very end and then blitz them with all we had. It was working... until they got so tired that they QUIT. That's right... in the middle of a play they walked off the field. I can hardly call it sportsman-like. Here's what got them in the gut: they threw a Hail Mary pass as a futile attempt to scare us into quitting (but we're not quitters...) and WE INTERCEPTED IT! God is good! So, we told them that if we were to score on the next play we'd call it even. (The score was 4-2) They half heartedly agreed and we started the play. But... when they saw Dre running the touchdown in, THEY WALKED--actually they RAN off the field. Her lightening quick legs and fastidious foot action scared them sooo bad they could only think to run in the opposite direction lest they get in between her and the end zone and be trampled!

So, a continuation will continue at Made Rite Stadium next Sunday 5PM CST. Tickets can be purchased through this site.

As of football wasn't enough vigorous activity for the evening- the guys felt like we needed to hold our own Olympics via the 1986 Nintendo. Yes... I have a working (albeit persnickety) old school Nintendo. Got the track pad, gun and everything. Get's me lots of points with the menfolk. They date me 'cause of all the video games I have. We had soooo much fun. Innocent fun! (See Mom & Dad...)

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