Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Chronicles of Boyfriendia-Numero Tres

ah... Wednesday. Wednesday's can never be bad days. Prepare yourself for the enthralling muses of a woman who is trying to quit Dr. Pepper. Not a good thing for the psyche - but an excellent thing for the hips. That was too much information for the free public...

If you haven't noticed the "take over the world" pattern with my boyfriends - you should. Next in line is Nathan. His dad was undercover DEA. So, surely--- I thought--- this was my ticket to world domination. Not so much. But, he did let me wear his really cool Miami Dolphins jacket one day at school when it was cold out. We were in Ms. Christian's 4th grade class. The only significant thing about Nathan actually occurred not to long ago. God has a hysterical sense of humor and is great st putting me in my place. I had developed this idea over the past few years that I was *gasp* better than my public school peers. I had become a bit haughty, actually. I'm embarrassed to write this, as this is really supposed to be a funny post. Nonetheless-- I'll continue with my soul-baring.

So... I had this whole "I-graduated-from-a-prestigious-university-at-a-young-age-and-I've-lived-a-purer-than-you-lifestyle" mentality when it came to folks I had attended school with. Mostly because they had become barefoot and pregnant or in Nathan's case-- worked at Harley's Cut Rate.

I go into Harley's several months back to pick up *cooking sherry* and lo-- there stands Nathan. I recognize him immediately. I usually recognize people way before they ever recognize me, so I was going to try and play it off like I was no one in particular. :sigh: It doesn't work. He knows it me-- and inquires as to why I'm in his liquor store.
"Well, to buy liquor, of course!" I reply.

I'm thinking to myself, "Great! Of all places to run into someone... a liquor store. Great! JUST GREAT! What's that going to say about me... argh!!" Anyway- this post is going south really quickly, so I'll end it straitway.

The moral of this lesson kids is this: Never, ever think to highly of one's self. It's a recipe for disaster and embarrassment. Not necessarily in that order either.

1 comment:

DREW! said...

Mmm... cooking sherry. Also, I knew someone who worked at Harley's as well. They are dead now.