Thursday, May 01, 2003

Right... or I should say "wrong" actually. You see, I was rocking along A-O-K. Actually, everything was hunky-dory. Then, I started drinking that blasted water that I was telling you about. Yep. The drama happened again. I wonder if I am letting all this affect me too much, but it's really hard not to. I wish I could go really in depth, but I'm afraid someone in "the situation" will read this and thus... you guessed it - more drama.

Other than that, everything's good. I start summer school on Tuesday. Ugh. More school. All my friends are leaving and heading home for the summer, sniff sniff. Graduation is Saturday and it's going to be encouraging to see my best friend graduate. It lets me know that I can finish.

I am sooooo very frustrated at this moment. I know that God allows things like this to happen. I know that I will be such a better person because of it-- but WHY THE HELL ME? I mean, I've got jerkwad and his little girl who - it appears to me - God didn't deem "worthy" enough to bring trial upon at this moment. And part of me wants to feel good that He wants to refine me, but I'm miserable. I'm a Christian. You must understand that I am at the lowest part of my Christian walk. Ever. It's very frustrating. I am a person who is very fond of forward progress. So, I'm off to make some progress.

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