Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Ok, right... so I start this blog up last night only to discover this morning that they [Blogger] were having issues last night. Yes, after I've typed all my issues from the past 24 hours into one little box.... they vanish. Into blackness. Which then adds one more issue to my plate. Blogging was supposed to relieve issues! But, it did help to write - I will admit that. I slept a lot better. I even had the courage to *gasp* sleep with my cell off. (Usually a friend calls me around 11pm my time-- we kinda have a rather lengthy chat everynight---but I was exhausted!)

So, of course in true Q.B. fashion I must possess at least one issue per day-- so I am left standing with the issue that all my issues weren't broadcast to the world last night.

So I have this away message that says "he'll never know that I'm the best that he'll never have". Recognize it? Well, it's a phrase from a song called 'Girl All the Bad Guys Want' by Bowling for Soup. Well I somewhat accidentally left it as my away message last night. And a someone whom I haven't talked to in at least six months makes a rather vague statement about whom I might or might not be referencing in that statement. Thus the drama that I wrote about last night (but that you'll never know about since it now inhabits Blackness) ensues. I swear... something is inhabiting my intestines! I really think it's a parasite from last summer.

You see, that's when I can really say that drama made the first appearance in my life. I mean, I have had normal, dramatic experiences in my life: death of a pet, grandparent-- having a small car accident on Christmas Eve, that kinda thing-- but not constant drama on the Junior High scale. I'm thinking that when the air conditioner began leaking last summer in my apartment that the carpet got moldy and I breathed some of the fibers, or maybe it's because I had multiple people using my toilet 24/7, or maybe it's because I had lots of alcohol in my very near vicinity and the Administration gods are seeking revenge. WHATEVER it is... it hasn't gone away! I swear! (and I don't do that very often!)

I am now very gun shy of various and assundry things/events. (Gun shy is a term for scared shitless.) The entire rigamaroll of events is way too time consuming to write about and I'm sure very mundane and boring to the general public-- but nonetheless, I'm the star here right? So, the statement from last night is on my mind. I'd be lying to say that not much else is... but I really need to prioritize and get my stuff together so I can attempt to graduate! Argh... school is becoming such a bother. I'd much rather just live. Doing what? you ask. Well, baking. Maybe having my own little sandwich shop. But that requires capital and capital must be raised. So, off I go...

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