Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I like people....

(the title is better heard than read.... especially if Jessi Hardy Scherm is saying it!)

So... I was listening to my way-old school Jagged Little Pill CD and realized how sensitized I am. It happened earlier today, too, when Brad and I were leaving MSC. But back to Alanis. I usually only hear her stuff on the radio - which is the edited version. Can you imagine my disdain when I re-remembered (I'll explain that in a second...) that there are swear words on her CD! GASP!

When I was leaving MSC today - smoke was in the air and Brad and I immediately looked at each other and said, "Ewwww.....what's that?"

We're not used to smelling good 'ol Marlboro cigarette smoke. Once again, I was just taken aback. Then I realized that I'm a sissy. How am I ever going to make it in the real world if some smoke and a few curse words cause me to scrunch my face? I've got to get tough.

On to other, more fascinating topics. It's funny how much you take with you. When I say that - I'm talking about relationships that have ended or grown stagnant. Regardless of the terms that it ended on, you'll always have a piece of that person with you. Remember-- I'm not talking about just boyfriend/girlfriend stuff either. Yes, most of the nuances are from significant others. But not always. For example: I have this friend. I can't eat tater tots without thinking about her. It's hysterical. I'll probably always think about her everytime I eat tater tots. Now-- I know this sounds rediculous, but think of this in the opposite sense. Who might eat tater tots and be reminded of ME? Weird, huh?

Oh, right-- thanks for reminding me. I was supposed to tell you what "re-remembered" meant. It's when you remember something you'd previously forgotten and remembered. In essence, you'd forgotten it before and not learned your lesson the first time, which was to remember it the second time around. Sounds like and answer to one of my old professor's (Roller, anyone?) Intro to Management tests.

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