Friday, May 21, 2004

"Life is all about ass.. you're either covering it up, laughing it off, kissing it, or trying to get it!"

OK. Where to start. It sucks to be a girl. Then again... it really rocks. You know, I coulda told you my mom had cancer. Now, we just know it for sure. Dad says that we'll find out treatment options.

I accidentally got caught in VP Cheney's motorcade today. It was so beautiful. I cried. Yes... very dumb, I know, but patriotism is sooo beautiful.

Everyday as I travel around I always think up AWESOME, KICK ASS posts, but when sit down and this here contraption I lose myself.

Back to the VP Cheney thing... snipers were on the railroad tracks above the road that he was driving on. Then, the suburban behind him had all the Secret Service guys in it with guns too!! Isn't that SCHWEET??? I love cool stuff like that. I know, I know... girls are supposed to like make-up and shoes and all that icing. And I do. But still- there is nothing like an awesome Citation X parked out at GGG glistenin in the sun or really cool CIA/Secret Service guys protecting the VP.

Welp- I'll be out with my peas and carrots tomorrow so I better jet.

Peace, Love & Pat Green

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