Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh caramba!!! So, I'm thinking that I really should just move to Austrailia. Or Africa. Or somewhere else. I've got a major case ot the Spring Itchies. I want to be outside 24/7. I think sleeping with my golf clubs will help. I've begun to whine a lot about having to stay in my office all day. Don't get me wrong, my students are great... but can't we just rip the roof off the building? Come on now... just give Facility Services a call... I'm sure they could round up some freshman engineers in need of a little project, huh?

Could God make the world any more beautiful? Oh wait, he already did! There's California... (I love Santa Monica pier) and there's Colorado (yes, I am THE greatest skier to ever live)... and what about Hilton Head Island... (the golf there was FABULOUS!)

Ok, ok... see! I really need to get out of town! I'll be in NYC in a few weeks for work, so maybe that will stifle my appetite for travel/vacation. I think my Mom and I are going to head to the Bahamas in May too. That will surely do me some good. But, I have such a busy summer that I don't think I'll be able to spare much time. Total wedding count for the summer=SIX

I think I'm in half of them too. *Sigh* Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

OH! I almost forgot! I was invited to do a DiscipleNow in Denton, Texas in a few weeks!! Yippee! I love those! I can't wait!

Well, I'm having a glorious dinner of Hot Pockets before I head to the house to install mini-blinds. Let me tell you- this whole home improvement is rough! Now I know why Bob Villa is so buff. It seems like everything that needs to anywhere weighs, like, 500 pounds. I do feel like a super-cool chick though. I mean, think about it. There's four of us girls and we've totally remodeled a 2500 square foot house! On three acres to boot! Girl Power!

So now I sound like a feminist. Which I'm not. I'm just super proud of the fact that I was able to figure out how to install a light fixture and should God choose not to send me SuperMan, that'll I'll be okay!

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