Wednesday, August 08, 2007

be careful what you're workin' with

Humans are, quite possibly, the most fascinating creatures to grace the face of the earth. I am equally amused and frustrated at some of the things we humans do. One such instance occurred not to long ago.

I hate being mushy-mushy but it goes with the story. So be patient with me. I have a superbly intelligent boyfriend. He ranks in the top three of "Three Most Intelligent People Beth Knows". Top tier - I tell ya. Must have been those Dallas public schools. His resourcefulness never ceases to amaze me - except for this one instance.

The story goes like this: he does really nice things for me. So, in return, I want to do nice things for him. One really nice thing I do for him is: laundry. He hates it. He once told me that he viewed his socks as "disposable" and wished his clothing were to so that it never had to be washed. Just wear it, then throw it away. I explained to him that while this was completely logical - it wasn't necessarily economical and as such not possible. BUT - I digress. Soooooo..... in doing his laundry a couple of weeks back I go to remove STACKS of clothes off the top of the dryer only to be suddenly, painfully poked in the hand by something in the laundry.

A porcupine one might guess? Maybe "stickers" (more commonly know as grass burs) from walking out in the field?

NO. no no no.

It was this:

Yes, folks. From the man who wants "disposable clothing" comes the new line of clothing. ZIP TIED JEANS. Upon closer inspection I discover that this 1997 era model of Structure brand jeans (does Structure even exist anymore?!?!) had apparently ripped at the ankle seam. Apparently, the aforementioned owner took the time and great effort to ZIP TIE the seam back together.

This from the man who possesses nearly every Williams-Sonoma gadget known to mankind.

So - I did what any reasonable girl would do. I went and grabbed my phone. And went to "check the dryer again". And I snapped away. It took several attempts, but I think I managed to capture the magic of the zip tie.

Also of interest was this:

After cleaning off the top of the dryer I found the sign shown above. Verrrrrrry interesting.

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