Saturday, July 21, 2007

I hate to harp on weddings all the time, I really do. Maybe I'm burned out. actually - I'm not, but the truth might hurt a few feelings, so we'll carry on without all the usual self-examination. So if you're currently engaged or recently married or if I was in your wedding - stop reading here.

why has Vera Wang come out with her own set of MATTRESSES?

In business class we learned about the concept of
co-branding, so the concept itself isn't new to me. It's the actual coupling that is. I can understand Gillette razors and Duracell batteries (hello! they're owned by the same company!) but mattresses and wedding dresses???

What's the target group here? I mean - there's the obvious. But come on guys! In this day and age? Are couples really buying their first bed for their first night together?

I didn't mean for this post to reach soapbox proportions and I don't usually like to bring my fundamental beliefs about things into this, but even as an evangelical Christian I know the truth. I saw the pregnant teenagers last night at the movie theatre (btw-GO see Hairspray. Maybe that's why they're pregnant. All those movies with sexual innuendo).

What I'm trying to say (but am ending up chasing rabbit trails instead) is that weddings and mattresses don't go together. Bad idea, Vera. AND to make things worse, Vera, you are promoting the wedding mania that I am adamantly against. The idea that says that to achieve the ultimate in blissfulness you need a three thousand dollar dress and 8.6 bridesmaids bedecked head-to-toe in either 1)dresses they hate 2)dresses they'll never wear again or 3)dresses the bride-picked-out-and-didn't-pay-for-even-though-the-bridesmaids-hate-them-and-will-never-wear-them-again.

Vera, you were my friend. I wanted to wear a Vera Wang dress (purchased off of eBay, of course). But, you and your little mattress empire are too much for me.

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Silverthornes said...
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