Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Some Things Never Change...

I was operating the microwave last night and I realized that somethings WILL NEVER change regardless of where you live or how old you get:

-I still don't cover my plate with a paper towel when I heat things up in the microwave! (That's for you, Mom!)

-I still use a new towel EVERY TIME I take a shower. (Which is really silly... and since I do my own laundry, you'd think I would've caught on by now...)

-I still forget to crank my car and let it warm up on really cold mornings. (I did remember this morning though!)

-I still forget to set out the chicken to defrost before I leave for work in the mornings.

-I still can't remember to take Rx's. (Yes, Mom-- I've tried doing it when I take my contacts out just like you said... but it STILL doesn't work!)

-I still "shop for FIVE" at the grocery store...

-I still won't drink the last bit of milk in the jug--- cause Dad might get mad if he doesn't have enough for his GrapeNuts! (Actually, now it's so Dre will have enough milk for her Special K)

1 comment:

Deena said...

Hahaha, That's awesome Beth.

I still cook for six.

I still leave my shoes in the living room even though my bed room is ten feet away.

I wonder if our parents feel they've failed in some small way because of things like always using new towels and never putting up shoes... ;)